Handmaid’s Tale
Student debut, November 2020! “Will they stay when they see what we have done just to be…free?” Women the world over fight a daily, uphill battle for equality. Some areas are far better about women’s equality than others. But, for every woman who yearns to be free—to take control of her own life—to fight for the rights we all deserve, become your own hero.
(Song: Superhero by Johnny Hollow)

Mad Scientist
Love is a very … awkward thing! Sometimes the smarter a person is, the more easily bored they become. But, the heart wants what the heart wants and the heart seems to really want unsuspecting people to come to the secret lair and have a drink or two just to … consider the possibilities.
(Song: Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton; performed Live on Virtual TR!PTease, February 2021)

5 Stages of Grief
Filmed for the HeART Therapy mental health fundraiser sponsored by Lola Bouteé Presents and The Dollface Dames, in association with NAMI OC, this variety act discusses the heavy topic of grief—specifically, the grief over the loss of a loved one. This act features glass walking, fire, and a heartwarming tribute to Lavinia’s father.
(Song: Satisfy by Jenna Laurise)

Poison Ivy
Performed on May 26, 2021, live at Virtual TR!PTease, this act is a sultry cabaret experience involving the best dance partner a girl can have: A folding chair!
(Song: If U Seek Amy [Cabaret Remix] by Brittany Spears)

Feelin’ Ducky?
Recorded for Lola Boutée’s animal fundraiser benefiting The Gentle Barn in September 2021, this act is a saucy duck tale told by the side of a swimming pool with a bunch of rubber ducks.
(Song: The Duck Song by Bryant Oden)

Birthright `{`Sing'n'Fling - I Walk Alone`}`
“This woman has seen some sh**!” Russia Rey once stated. And it’s true! Lavinia has been through some things that have made he who she is—and this song, originally by Tarja Turnen (formerly of Nightwish) encompasses her strength and power.
(Song: I Walk Alone, originally by Tarja Turnen).

Bad Guy
Asylums used to be filled with women who suffered genuine mental illnesses; however, they also contained women diagnosed with “hysterics.” A not insignificant number of those women were diagnosed with hysterics simply because they did not conform to expectations. Guess I’m the bad guy.
Songs: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Cherry Glazer) & Bad Guy (Holocene)